# RiveScript-Python
# This code is released under the MIT License.
# See the "LICENSE" file for more information.
# https://www.rivescript.com/
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from six import text_type
import copy
import sys
import os
import re
import pprint
import codecs
from . import __version__
from . import python
from . import sorting
from . import inheritance as inherit_utils
from . import utils
from .brain import Brain
from .parser import Parser
from .sessions import MemorySessionStorage
from .exceptions import (
# These constants come from the exceptions submodule but should be exportable
# from this one. Pyflakes gives warnings about them not being used, so...
[docs]class RiveScript(object):
"""A RiveScript interpreter for Python 2 and 3.
debug (bool): Set to ``True`` to enable verbose logging to standard out.
strict (bool): Enable strict mode. Strict mode causes RiveScript syntax
errors to raise an exception at parse time. Strict mode is on
(``True``) by default.
log (str or fh): Specify a path to a file or a filehandle opened in
write mode to direct log output to. This can send debug logging to
a file rather than to ``STDOUT``.
depth (int): Set the recursion depth limit. This is how many times
RiveScript will recursively follow redirects before giving up with
a ``DeepRecursionError`` exception. The default is ``50``.
utf8 (bool): Enable UTF-8 mode. When this mode is enabled, triggers in
RiveScript code are permitted to contain foreign and special
symbols. Additionally, user messages are allowed to contain most
symbols instead of having all symbols stripped away. This is
considered an experimental feature because all of the edge cases of
supporting Unicode haven't been fully tested. This option
is ``False`` by default.
session_manager (SessionManager): By default RiveScript uses an
in-memory session manager to keep track of user variables and state
information. If you have your own session manager that you'd like
to use instead, pass its instantiated class instance as this
# Initialization and Utility Methods #
def __init__(self, debug=False, strict=True, depth=50, log=None,
utf8=False, session_manager=None):
"""Initialize a new RiveScript interpreter."""
# User configurable fields.
# Debugging
self._debug = debug # Debug mode
self._log = log # Debug log file.
# If the log file was given as a string, turn it into a filehandle.
if log is not None:
if type(log) in [text_type, str]:
self._log = codecs.open(log, "a", "utf-8")
# Unicode stuff
self._utf8 = utf8 # UTF-8 mode
self.unicode_punctuation = re.compile(r'[.,!?;:]')
# Misc.
self._strict = strict # Strict mode
self._depth = depth # Recursion depth limit
# Internal fields.
self._global = {} # 'global' variables
self._var = {} # 'bot' variables
self._sub = {} # 'sub' variables
self._person = {} # 'person' variables
self._array = {} # 'array' variables
self._includes = {} # included topics
self._lineage = {} # inherited topics
self._handlers = {} # Object handlers
self._objlangs = {} # Languages of objects used
self._topics = {} # Main reply structure
self._thats = {} # %Previous reply structure
self._sorted = {} # Sorted buffers
self._syntax = {} # Syntax tracking (filenames & line no.'s)
self._regexc = { # Precomputed regexes for speed optimizations.
"trigger": {},
"sub": {},
"person": {},
# Initialize the session manager.
if session_manager is None:
session_manager = MemorySessionStorage(warn=self._warn)
self._session = session_manager
# Internal helpers.
self._parser = Parser(
on_debug=lambda message: self._say(message),
on_warn=lambda message, filename, lineno: self._warn(message, filename, lineno),
self._brain = Brain(
# Define the default Python language handler.
self._handlers["python"] = python.PyRiveObjects()
self._say("Interpreter initialized.")
[docs] @classmethod
def VERSION(self=None):
"""Return the version number of the RiveScript library.
This may be called as either a class method or a method of a RiveScript
object instance."""
return __version__
def _say(self, message):
if self._debug and not self._log:
print("[RS] {}".format(message))
if self._log:
# Log it to the file.
self._log.write("[RS] " + message + "\n")
def _warn(self, message, fname='', lineno=0):
header = "[RS]"
if self._debug:
header = "[RS::Warning]"
if len(fname) and lineno > 0:
print(header, message, "at", fname, "line", lineno)
print(header, message)
# Loading and Parsing Methods #
[docs] def load_directory(self, directory, ext=None):
"""Load RiveScript documents from a directory.
:param str directory: The directory of RiveScript documents to load
replies from.
:param []str ext: List of file extensions to consider as RiveScript
documents. The default is ``[".rive", ".rs"]``.
self._say("Loading from directory: " + directory)
if ext is None:
# Use the default extensions - .rive is preferable.
ext = ['.rive', '.rs']
elif type(ext) == str:
# Backwards compatibility for ext being a string value.
ext = [ext]
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
self._warn("Error: " + directory + " is not a directory.")
for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
for extension in ext:
if file.lower().endswith(extension):
# Load this file.
self.load_file(os.path.join(root, file))
[docs] def load_file(self, filename):
"""Load and parse a RiveScript document.
:param str filename: The path to a RiveScript file.
self._say("Loading file: " + filename)
fh = codecs.open(filename, 'r', 'utf-8')
lines = fh.readlines()
self._say("Parsing " + str(len(lines)) + " lines of code from " + filename)
self._parse(filename, lines)
[docs] def stream(self, code):
"""Stream in RiveScript source code dynamically.
:param code: Either a string containing RiveScript code or an array of
lines of RiveScript code.
self._say("Streaming code.")
if type(code) in [str, text_type]:
code = code.split("\n")
self._parse("stream()", code)
def _parse(self, fname, code):
"""Parse RiveScript code into memory.
:param str fname: The arbitrary file name used for syntax reporting.
:param []str code: Lines of RiveScript source code to parse.
# Get the "abstract syntax tree"
ast = self._parser.parse(fname, code)
# Get all of the "begin" type variables: global, var, sub, person, ...
for kind, data in ast["begin"].items():
internal = getattr(self, "_" + kind) # The internal name for this attribute
for name, value in data.items():
if value == "<undef>":
del internal[name]
internal[name] = value
# Precompile substitutions.
if kind in ["sub", "person"]:
self._precompile_substitution(kind, name)
# Let the scripts set the debug mode and other special globals.
if self._global.get("debug"):
self._debug = str(self._global["debug"]).lower() == "true"
if self._global.get("depth"):
self._depth = int(self._global["depth"])
# Consume all the parsed triggers.
for topic, data in ast["topics"].items():
# Keep a map of the topics that are included/inherited under this topic.
if not topic in self._includes:
self._includes[topic] = {}
if not topic in self._lineage:
self._lineage[topic] = {}
# Consume the triggers.
if not topic in self._topics:
self._topics[topic] = []
for trigger in data["triggers"]:
# Precompile the regexp for this trigger.
# Does this trigger have a %Previous? If so, make a pointer to
# this exact trigger in _thats.
if trigger["previous"] is not None:
# Precompile the regexp for the previous too.
if not topic in self._thats:
self._thats[topic] = {}
if not trigger["trigger"] in self._thats[topic]:
self._thats[topic][trigger["trigger"]] = {}
self._thats[topic][trigger["trigger"]][trigger["previous"]] = trigger
self._syntax[topic] = data["syntax"]
# Load all the parsed objects.
for obj in ast["objects"]:
# Have a handler for it?
if obj["language"] in self._handlers:
self._objlangs[obj["name"]] = obj["language"]
self._handlers[obj["language"]].load(obj["name"], obj["code"])
[docs] def deparse(self):
"""Dump the in-memory RiveScript brain as a Python data structure.
This would be useful, for example, to develop a user interface for
editing RiveScript replies without having to edit the RiveScript
source code directly.
:return dict: JSON-serializable Python data structure containing the
contents of all RiveScript replies currently loaded in memory.
# Data to return.
result = {
"begin": {
"global": {},
"var": {},
"sub": {},
"person": {},
"array": {},
"triggers": [],
"topics": {},
# Populate the config fields.
if self._debug:
result["begin"]["global"]["debug"] = self._debug
if self._depth != 50:
result["begin"]["global"]["depth"] = self._depth
# Definitions
result["begin"]["var"] = self._var.copy()
result["begin"]["sub"] = self._sub.copy()
result["begin"]["person"] = self._person.copy()
result["begin"]["array"] = self._array.copy()
# Topic Triggers.
for topic in self._topics:
dest = None # Where to place the topic info
if topic == "__begin__":
# Begin block.
dest = result["begin"]
# Normal topic.
if topic not in result["topics"]:
result["topics"][topic] = {
"triggers": [],
"includes": {},
"inherits": {},
dest = result["topics"][topic]
# Copy the triggers.
for trig in self._topics[topic]:
# Inherits/Includes.
for label, mapping in {"inherits": self._lineage, "includes": self._includes}.items():
if topic in mapping and len(mapping[topic]):
dest[label] = mapping[topic].copy()
return result
[docs] def write(self, fh, deparsed=None):
"""Write the currently parsed RiveScript data into a file.
Pass either a file name (string) or a file handle object.
This uses ``deparse()`` to dump a representation of the loaded data and
writes it to the destination file. If you provide your own data as the
``deparsed`` argument, it will use that data instead of calling
``deparse()`` itself. This way you can use ``deparse()``, edit the data,
and use that to write the RiveScript document (for example, to be used
by a user interface for editing RiveScript without writing the code
fh (str or file): a string or a file-like object.
deparsed (dict): a data structure in the same format as what
``deparse()`` returns. If not passed, this value will come from
the current in-memory data from ``deparse()``.
# Passed a string instead of a file handle?
if type(fh) is str:
fh = codecs.open(fh, "w", "utf-8")
# Deparse the loaded data.
if deparsed is None:
deparsed = self.deparse()
# Start at the beginning.
fh.write("// Written by rivescript.deparse()\n")
fh.write("! version = 2.0\n\n")
# Variables of all sorts!
for kind in ["global", "var", "sub", "person", "array"]:
if len(deparsed["begin"][kind].keys()) == 0:
for var in sorted(deparsed["begin"][kind].keys()):
# Array types need to be separated by either spaces or pipes.
data = deparsed["begin"][kind][var]
if type(data) not in [str, text_type]:
needs_pipes = False
for test in data:
if " " in test:
needs_pipes = True
# Word-wrap the result, target width is 78 chars minus the
# kind, var, and spaces and equals sign.
# TODO: not implemented yet.
# width = 78 - len(kind) - len(var) - 4
if needs_pipes:
data = self._write_wrapped("|".join(data), sep="|")
data = " ".join(data)
fh.write("! {kind} {var} = {data}\n".format(
# Begin block.
if len(deparsed["begin"]["triggers"]):
fh.write("> begin\n\n")
self._write_triggers(fh, deparsed["begin"]["triggers"], indent="\t")
fh.write("< begin\n\n")
# The topics. Random first!
topics = ["random"]
done_random = False
for topic in topics:
if topic not in deparsed["topics"]: continue
if topic == "random" and done_random: continue
if topic == "random": done_random = True
tagged = False # Used > topic tag
data = deparsed["topics"][topic]
if topic != "random" or len(data["includes"]) or len(data["inherits"]):
tagged = True
fh.write("> topic " + topic)
if data["inherits"]:
fh.write(" inherits " + " ".join(sorted(data["inherits"].keys())))
if data["includes"]:
fh.write(" includes " + " ".join(sorted(data["includes"].keys())))
indent = "\t" if tagged else ""
self._write_triggers(fh, data["triggers"], indent=indent)
if tagged:
fh.write("< topic\n\n")
return True
def _write_triggers(self, fh, triggers, indent=""):
"""Write triggers to a file handle.
fh (file): file object.
triggers (list): list of triggers to write.
indent (str): indentation for each line.
for trig in triggers:
fh.write(indent + "+ " + self._write_wrapped(trig["trigger"], indent=indent) + "\n")
d = trig
if d.get("previous"):
fh.write(indent + "% " + self._write_wrapped(d["previous"], indent=indent) + "\n")
for cond in d["condition"]:
fh.write(indent + "* " + self._write_wrapped(cond, indent=indent) + "\n")
if d.get("redirect"):
fh.write(indent + "@ " + self._write_wrapped(d["redirect"], indent=indent) + "\n")
for reply in d["reply"]:
fh.write(indent + "- " + self._write_wrapped(reply, indent=indent) + "\n")
def _write_wrapped(self, line, sep=" ", indent="", width=78):
"""Word-wrap a line of RiveScript code for being written to a file.
:param str line: The original line of text to word-wrap.
:param str sep: The word separator.
:param str indent: The indentation to use (as a set of spaces).
:param int width: The character width to constrain each line to.
:return str: The reformatted line(s)."""
words = line.split(sep)
lines = []
line = ""
buf = []
while len(words):
line = sep.join(buf)
if len(line) > width:
# Need to word wrap!
words.insert(0, buf.pop()) # Undo
buf = []
line = ""
# Straggler?
if line:
# Returned output
result = lines.pop(0)
if len(lines):
eol = ""
if sep == " ":
eol = "\\s"
for item in lines:
result += eol + "\n" + indent + "^ " + item
return result
# Sorting Methods #
[docs] def sort_replies(self, thats=False):
"""Sort the loaded triggers in memory.
After you have finished loading your RiveScript code, call this method
to populate the various internal sort buffers. This is absolutely
necessary for reply matching to work efficiently!
# (Re)initialize the sort cache.
self._sorted["topics"] = {}
self._sorted["thats"] = {}
self._say("Sorting triggers...")
# Loop through all the topics.
for topic in self._topics.keys():
self._say("Analyzing topic " + topic)
# Collect a list of all the triggers we're going to worry about.
# If this topic inherits another topic, we need to recursively add
# those to the list as well.
alltrig = inherit_utils.get_topic_triggers(self, topic, False)
# Sort them.
self._sorted["topics"][topic] = sorting.sort_trigger_set(alltrig, True, self._say)
# Get all of the %Previous triggers for this topic.
that_triggers = inherit_utils.get_topic_triggers(self, topic, True)
# And sort them, too.
self._sorted["thats"][topic] = sorting.sort_trigger_set(that_triggers, False, self._say)
# And sort the substitution lists.
if not "lists" in self._sorted:
self._sorted["lists"] = {}
self._sorted["lists"]["sub"] = sorting.sort_list(self._sub.keys())
self._sorted["lists"]["person"] = sorting.sort_list(self._person.keys())
# Public Configuration Methods #
[docs] def set_handler(self, language, obj):
"""Define a custom language handler for RiveScript objects.
Pass in a ``None`` value for the object to delete an existing handler (for
example, to prevent Python code from being able to be run by default).
Look in the ``eg`` folder of the rivescript-python distribution for
an example script that sets up a JavaScript language handler.
:param str language: The lowercased name of the programming language.
Examples: python, javascript, perl
:param class obj: An instance of an implementation class object.
It should provide the following interface::
class MyObjectHandler:
def __init__(self):
def load(self, name, code):
# name = the name of the object from the RiveScript code
# code = the source code of the object
def call(self, rs, name, fields):
# rs = the current RiveScript interpreter object
# name = the name of the object being called
# fields = array of arguments passed to the object
return reply
# Allow them to delete a handler too.
if obj is None:
if language in self._handlers:
del self._handlers[language]
self._handlers[language] = obj
[docs] def set_subroutine(self, name, code):
"""Define a Python object from your program.
This is equivalent to having an object defined in the RiveScript code,
except your Python code is defining it instead.
:param str name: The name of the object macro.
:param def code: A Python function with a method signature of
``(rs, args)``
This method is only available if there is a Python handler set up
(which there is by default, unless you've called
``set_handler("python", None)``).
# Do we have a Python handler?
if 'python' in self._handlers:
self._handlers['python']._objects[name] = code
self._objlangs[name] = 'python'
self._warn("Can't set_subroutine: no Python object handler!")
[docs] def set_global(self, name, value):
"""Set a global variable.
Equivalent to ``! global`` in RiveScript code.
:param str name: The name of the variable to set.
:param str value: The value of the variable.
Set this to ``None`` to delete the variable.
if value is None:
# Unset the variable.
if name in self._global:
del self._global[name]
self._global[name] = value
[docs] def get_global(self, name):
"""Retrieve the current value of a global variable.
:param str name: The name of the variable to get.
:return str: The value of the variable or ``"undefined"``.
return self._global.get(name, "undefined")
[docs] def set_variable(self, name, value):
"""Set a bot variable.
Equivalent to ``! var`` in RiveScript code.
:param str name: The name of the variable to set.
:param str value: The value of the variable.
Set this to ``None`` to delete the variable.
if value is None:
# Unset the variable.
if name in self._var:
del self._var[name]
self._var[name] = value
[docs] def get_variable(self, name):
"""Retrieve the current value of a bot variable.
:param str name: The name of the variable to get.
:return str: The value of the variable or ``"undefined"``.
return self._var.get(name, "undefined")
[docs] def set_substitution(self, what, rep):
"""Set a substitution.
Equivalent to ``! sub`` in RiveScript code.
Note: sort_replies() must be called after using set_substitution.
:param str what: The original text to replace.
:param str rep: The text to replace it with.
Set this to ``None`` to delete the substitution.
if rep is None:
# Unset the variable.
if what in self._sub:
del self._sub[what]
self._sub[what] = rep
self._precompile_substitution('sub', what)
[docs] def set_person(self, what, rep):
"""Set a person substitution.
Equivalent to ``! person`` in RiveScript code.
Note: sort_replies() must be called after using set_person.
:param str what: The original text to replace.
:param str rep: The text to replace it with.
Set this to ``None`` to delete the substitution.
if rep is None:
# Unset the variable.
if what in self._person:
del self._person[what]
self._person[what] = rep
self._precompile_substitution('person', what)
[docs] def set_uservar(self, user, name, value):
"""Set a variable for a user.
This is like the ``<set>`` tag in RiveScript code.
:param str user: The user ID to set a variable for.
:param str name: The name of the variable to set.
:param str value: The value to set there.
self._session.set(user, {name: value})
[docs] def set_uservars(self, user, data=None):
"""Set many variables for a user, or set many variables for many users.
This function can be called in two ways::
# Set a dict of variables for a single user.
rs.set_uservars(username, vars)
# Set a nested dict of variables for many users.
In the first syntax, ``vars`` is a simple dict of key/value string
pairs. In the second syntax, ``many_vars`` is a structure like this::
"username1": {
"key": "value",
"username2": {
"key": "value",
This way you can export *all* user variables via ``get_uservars()``
and then re-import them all at once, instead of setting them once per
:param optional str user: The user ID to set many variables for.
Skip this parameter to set many variables for many users instead.
:param dict data: The dictionary of key/value pairs for user variables,
or else a dict of dicts mapping usernames to key/value pairs.
This may raise a ``TypeError`` exception if you pass it invalid data
types. Note that only the standard ``dict`` type is accepted, but not
variants like ``OrderedDict``, so if you have a dict-like type you
should cast it to ``dict`` first.
# Check the parameters to see how we're being used.
if type(user) is dict and data is None:
# Setting many variables for many users.
for uid, uservars in user.items():
if type(uservars) is not dict:
raise TypeError(
"In set_uservars(many_vars) syntax, the many_vars dict "
"must be in the format of `many_vars['username'] = "
"dict(key=value)`, but the contents of many_vars['{}']"
" is not a dict.".format(uid)
self._session.set(uid, uservars)
elif type(user) in [text_type, str] and type(data) is dict:
# Setting variables for a single user.
self._session.set(user, data)
raise TypeError(
"set_uservars() may only be called with types ({str}, dict) or "
"(dict<{str}, dict>) but you called it with types ({a}, {b})"
str="unicode" if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else "str",
[docs] def get_uservar(self, user, name):
"""Get a variable about a user.
:param str user: The user ID to look up a variable for.
:param str name: The name of the variable to get.
:return: The user variable, or ``None`` or ``"undefined"``:
* If the user has no data at all, this returns ``None``.
* If the user doesn't have this variable set, this returns the
string ``"undefined"``.
* Otherwise this returns the string value of the variable.
if name == '__lastmatch__': # Treat var `__lastmatch__` since it can't receive "undefined" value
return self.last_match(user)
return self._session.get(user, name)
[docs] def get_uservars(self, user=None):
"""Get all variables about a user (or all users).
:param optional str user: The user ID to retrieve all variables for.
If not passed, this function will return all data for all users.
:return dict: All the user variables.
* If a ``user`` was passed, this is a ``dict`` of key/value pairs
of that user's variables. If the user doesn't exist in memory,
this returns ``None``.
* Otherwise, this returns a ``dict`` of key/value pairs that map
user IDs to their variables (a ``dict`` of ``dict``).
if user is None:
# All the users!
return self._session.get_all()
# Just this one!
return self._session.get_any(user)
[docs] def clear_uservars(self, user=None):
"""Delete all variables about a user (or all users).
:param str user: The user ID to clear variables for, or else clear all
variables for all users if not provided.
if user is None:
# All the users!
# Just this one.
[docs] def freeze_uservars(self, user):
"""Freeze the variable state for a user.
This will clone and preserve a user's entire variable state, so that it
can be restored later with ``thaw_uservars()``.
:param str user: The user ID to freeze variables for.
[docs] def thaw_uservars(self, user, action="thaw"):
"""Thaw a user's frozen variables.
:param str action: The action to perform when thawing the variables:
* ``discard``: Don't restore the user's variables, just delete the
frozen copy.
* ``keep``: Keep the frozen copy after restoring the variables.
* ``thaw``: Restore the variables, then delete the frozen copy
(this is the default).
self._session.thaw(user, action)
[docs] def last_match(self, user):
"""Get the last trigger matched for the user.
:param str user: The user ID to get the last matched trigger for.
:return str: The raw trigger text (tags and all) of the trigger that
the user most recently matched. If there was no match to their
last message, this returns ``None`` instead.
return self._session.get(user, "__lastmatch__", None) # Get directly to `get` function
[docs] def trigger_info(self, topic=None, trigger=None, user=None, last_reply=None):
"""Get information about a trigger.
Pass in a raw trigger to find out what file name and line number it
appeared at. This is useful for e.g. tracking down the location of the
trigger last matched by the user via ``last_match()``. Returns a list
of matching triggers, containing their topics, filenames and line
numbers. Returns ``None`` if there weren't any matches found.
The keys in the trigger info is as follows:
* ``topic``: The topic name
* ``trigger``: The raw trigger text
* ``previous``: The %Previous value specified, or None
* ``filename``: The filename the trigger was found in.
* ``lineno``: The line number the trigger was found on.
:param str topic: The topic to look up. If none, then all topics are considered.
:param str trigger: The raw trigger text to look up.
:param str user: The user ID to find the trigger for (or None).
:param str last_match: The prior reply to match with %Previous. If not specified, all matching triggers are returned.
Note: If you pass no arguments, then a dump of all triggers is returned.
:return: A list of matching triggers or ``None`` if no matches.
response = None
syntax = None
def reply_matches(prev, lr):
nonlocal user
botside = self._brain.reply_regexp(user, prev)
if re.match(botside, lr):
return True
return False
def append_if_match():
nonlocal response, last_reply, syntax
previous = syntax["previous"]
if last_reply is None or previous is None or reply_matches(previous, last_reply):
if response is None:
response = []
response.append(dict(topic=topic, trigger=trigger, previous=previous,
filename=syntax["filename"], lineno=syntax["lineno"]))
if topic is None and trigger is None:
response = []
for topic, triggers in self._syntax.items():
for trigger, syntax in triggers.items():
elif topic is not None:
if topic not in self._syntax:
return response
triggers = self._syntax[topic]
if trigger is None:
for trigger, syntax in triggers.items():
if trigger not in triggers:
return response
syntax = triggers[trigger]
else: # trigger is not None
for topic, triggers in self._syntax.items():
if trigger not in triggers:
syntax = triggers[trigger]
return response
[docs] def current_user(self):
"""Retrieve the user ID of the current user talking to your bot.
This is mostly useful inside of a Python object macro to get the user
ID of the person who caused the object macro to be invoked (i.e. to
set a variable for that user from within the object).
This will return ``None`` if used outside of the context of getting a
reply (the value is unset at the end of the ``reply()`` method).
if self._brain._current_user is None:
# They're doing it wrong.
self._warn("current_user() is meant to be used from within a Python object macro!")
return self._brain._current_user
# Reply Fetching Methods #
[docs] def reply(self, user, msg, errors_as_replies=True):
"""Fetch a reply from the RiveScript brain.
user (str): A unique user ID for the person requesting a reply.
This could be e.g. a screen name or nickname. It's used internally
to store user variables (including topic and history), so if your
bot has multiple users each one should have a unique ID.
msg (str): The user's message. This is allowed to contain
punctuation and such, but any extraneous data such as HTML tags
should be removed in advance.
errors_as_replies (bool): When errors are encountered (such as a
deep recursion error, no reply matched, etc.) this will make the
reply be a text representation of the error message. If you set
this to ``False``, errors will instead raise an exception, such as
a ``DeepRecursionError`` or ``NoReplyError``. By default, no
exceptions are raised and errors are set in the reply instead.
str: The reply output.
return self._brain.reply(user, msg, errors_as_replies)
[docs] def prepare_brain_transplant(self, preserve_globals=True, preserve_vars=True, preserve_uservars=True,
preserve_substitutions=True, preserve_persons=True, preserve_handlers=True, preserve_subroutines=True,
"""Clear the brain in preparation for a full reload, preserving some important and specified things.
preserve_globals (bool): If True, then we preserve the set_global variables (! global in RiveScript)
preserve_vars (bool): If True, then we preserve the set_variable variables (! var in RiveScript)
preserve_uservars (bool): If True, then we preserve the set_uservar variables (<set/get> in RiveScript)
preserve_substitutions (bool): If True, then we preserve the set_substitution subs (! sub in RiveScript)
preserve_persons (bool): If True, then we preserve the set_person subs (! person in RiveScript)
preserve_handlers (bool): If True, then we preserve the set_handler object handlers
preserve_subroutines (bool): If True, then we preserve the set_subroutine object handlers
(> object in RiveScript)
preserve_arrays (bool): If True, then we preserve any defined arrays (! array in RiveScript)
global_vars = self._global
handlers = self._handlers
objlangs = self._objlangs
subs = self._sub
subs_precompiled = self._regexc["sub"]
persons = self._person
persons_precompiled = self._regexc["person"]
array = self._array
var = self._var
self.__init__(debug=self._debug, strict=self._strict, depth=self._depth,
log=self._log, utf8=self._utf8, session_manager=self._session)
if preserve_globals:
self._global = global_vars
if preserve_handlers:
self._handlers = handlers
if preserve_subroutines:
self._objlangs = objlangs
if preserve_vars:
self._var = var
if preserve_substitutions:
self._sub = subs
self._regexc["sub"] = subs_precompiled
if preserve_persons:
self._person = persons
self._regexc["person"] = persons_precompiled
if not preserve_uservars:
if preserve_arrays:
self._array = array
def _precompile_substitution(self, kind, pattern):
"""Pre-compile the regexp for a substitution pattern.
This will speed up the substitutions that happen at the beginning of
the reply fetching process. With the default brain, this took the
time for _substitute down from 0.08s to 0.02s
:param str kind: One of ``sub``, ``person``.
:param str pattern: The substitution pattern.
if pattern not in self._regexc[kind]:
qm = re.escape(pattern)
self._regexc[kind][pattern] = {
"qm": qm,
"sub1": re.compile(r'^' + qm + r'$'),
"sub2": re.compile(r'^' + qm + r'(\W+)'),
"sub3": re.compile(r'(\W+)' + qm + r'(\W+)'),
"sub4": re.compile(r'(\W+)' + qm + r'$'),
def _precompile_regexp(self, trigger):
"""Precompile the regex for most triggers.
If the trigger is non-atomic, and doesn't include dynamic tags like
``<bot>``, ``<get>``, ``<input>/<reply>`` or arrays, it can be
precompiled and save time when matching.
:param str trigger: The trigger text to attempt to precompile.
if utils.is_atomic(trigger):
return # Don't need a regexp for atomic triggers.
# Check for dynamic tags.
for tag in ["@", "<bot", "<get", "<input", "<reply"]:
if tag in trigger:
return # Can't precompile this trigger.
self._regexc["trigger"][trigger] = self._brain.reply_regexp(None, trigger)
# Miscellaneous Private Methods #
def _dump(self):
"""For debugging, dump the entire data structure."""
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
print("=== Variables ===")
print("-- Globals --")
print("-- Bot vars --")
print("-- Substitutions --")
print("-- Person Substitutions --")
print("-- Arrays --")
print("=== Topic Structure ===")
print("=== %Previous Structure ===")
print("=== Includes ===")
print("=== Inherits ===")
print("=== Sort Buffer ===")
print("=== Syntax Tree ===")
# Interactive Mode #
if __name__ == "__main__":
from interactive import interactive_mode
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