Source code for rivescript.parser

# RiveScript-Python
# This code is released under the MIT License.
# See the "LICENSE" file for more information.

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .regexp import RE

import re
from collections import Counter, deque

# Version of RiveScript we support.
rs_version = 2.0

[docs]class Parser(object): """The RiveScript language parser. This module can be used as a stand-alone parser for third party developers to use, if you want to be able to simply parse (and syntax check!) RiveScript source code and get an "abstract syntax tree" back from it. To that end, this module removed all dependencies on the parent RiveScript class. When the RiveScript module uses this module, it passes its own debug and warning functions as the ``on_debug`` and ``on_warn`` parameters, but these parameters are completely optional. Parameters: strict (bool): Strict syntax checking (true by default). utf8 (bool): Enable UTF-8 mode (false by default). on_debug (func): An optional function to send debug messages to. If not provided, you won't be able to get debug output from this module. The debug function's prototype is: ``def f(message)`` on_warn (func): An optional function to send warning/error messages to. If not provided, you won't be able to get any warnings from this module. The warn function's prototype is ``def f(message, filename='', lineno='')`` """ # Concatenation mode characters. concat_modes = dict( none="", space=" ", newline="\n", ) def __init__(self, strict=True, utf8=False, on_debug=None, on_warn=None): self.strict = strict self.utf8 = utf8 self.on_debug = on_debug self.on_warn = on_warn # Proxy functions def say(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.on_debug is not None: self.on_debug(*args, **kwargs) def warn(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.on_warn is not None: self.on_warn(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse(self, filename, code): """Read and parse a RiveScript document. Returns a data structure that represents all of the useful contents of the document, in this format:: { "begin": { # "begin" data "global": {}, # map of !global vars "var": {}, # bot !var's "sub": {}, # !sub substitutions "person": {}, # !person substitutions "array": {}, # !array lists }, "topics": { # main reply data "random": { # (topic name) "includes": {}, # map of included topics (values=1) "inherits": {}, # map of inherited topics "triggers": [ # array of triggers { "trigger": "hello bot", "reply": [], # array of replies "condition": [], # array of conditions "redirect": None, # redirect command "previous": None, # 'previous' reply }, # ... ], "syntax": { # to quickly find filenames/line numbers of triggers for trigger_info "hello bot": { # Trigger text "previous": None, # %Previous trigger text (or None) "filename": "", # filename the trigger was found in (or "stream()") "lineno": int # line number the trigger was found in }, # ... } } } "objects": [ # parsed object macros { "name": "", # object name "language": "", # programming language "code": [], # array of lines of code } ] } Args: filename (str): The name of the file that the code came from, for syntax error reporting purposes. code (str[]): The source code to parse. Returns: dict: The aforementioned data structure. """ # Eventual returned structure ("abstract syntax tree" but not really) ast = { "begin": { "global": {}, "var": {}, "sub": {}, "person": {}, "array": {}, }, "topics": {}, "objects": [], } # Track temporary variables. topic = 'random' # Default topic=random lineno = 0 # Line numbers for syntax tracking comment = False # In a multi-line comment inobj = False # In an object objname = '' # The name of the object we're in objlang = '' # The programming language of the object objbuf = [] # Object contents buffer curtrig = None # Pointer to the current trigger in ast.topics isThat = None # Is a %Previous trigger # Local (file scoped) parser options. local_options = dict( concat="none", # Concat mode for ^Continue command ) # Read each line. for lp, line in enumerate(code): lineno += 1 self.say("Line: " + line + " (topic: " + topic + ") incomment: " + str(comment) + \ ", inobj: " + str(inobj)) if len(line.strip()) == 0: # Skip blank lines continue # In an object? if inobj: if re.match(RE.objend, line): # End the object. if len(objname): ast["objects"].append({ "name": objname, "language": objlang, "code": objbuf, }) objname = '' objlang = '' objbuf = [] inobj = False else: objbuf.append(line) continue line = line.strip() # Trim excess space. We do it down here so we # don't mess up python objects! line =" ", line) # Replace the multiple whitespaces by single whitespace # Look for comments. if line[:2] == '//': # A single-line comment. continue elif line[0] == '#': self.warn("Using the # symbol for comments is deprecated", filename, lineno) elif line[:2] == '/*': # Start of a multi-line comment. if '*/' not in line: # Cancel if the end is here too. comment = True continue elif '*/' in line: comment = False continue if comment: continue # Separate the command from the data. if len(line) < 2: self.warn("Weird single-character line '" + line + "' found.", filename, lineno) continue cmd = line[0] line = line[1:].strip() # Ignore inline comments if there's a space before the // symbols. if " //" in line: line = line.split(" //")[0].strip() # Run a syntax check on this line. syntax_error = self.check_syntax(cmd, line) if syntax_error: # There was a syntax error! Are we enforcing strict mode? syntax_error = "Syntax error in " + filename + " line " + str(lineno) + ": " \ + syntax_error + " (near: " + cmd + " " + line + ")" if self.strict: raise Exception(syntax_error) else: self.warn(syntax_error) return # Don't try to continue # Reset the %Previous state if this is a new +Trigger. if cmd == '+': isThat = None # Do a lookahead for ^Continue and %Previous commands. for i in range(lp + 1, len(code)): lookahead = code[i].strip() if len(lookahead) < 2: continue lookCmd = lookahead[0] lookahead = lookahead[1:].strip() lookahead = re.sub(, ' ', lookahead) # Replace the `\s` in the message # Only continue if the lookahead line has any data. if len(lookahead) != 0: # The lookahead command has to be either a % or a ^. if lookCmd != '^' and lookCmd != '%': break # If the current command is a +, see if the following is # a %. if cmd == '+': if lookCmd == '%': isThat = lookahead break else: isThat = None # If the current command is a ! and the next command(s) are # ^, we'll tack each extension on as a line break (which is # useful information for arrays). if cmd == '!': if lookCmd == '^': line += "<crlf>" + lookahead continue # If the current command is not a ^ and the line after is # not a %, but the line after IS a ^, then tack it on to the # end of the current line. if cmd != '^' and lookCmd != '%': if lookCmd == '^': line += self.concat_modes.get( local_options["concat"], "" ) + lookahead else: break self.say("Command: " + cmd + "; line: " + line) # Handle the types of RiveScript commands. if cmd == '!': # ! DEFINE halves = re.split(RE.equals, line, 1) left = re.split(, halves[0].strip(), 2) value, type, var = '', '', '' if len(halves) == 2: value = halves[1].strip() if len(left) >= 1: type = left[0].strip() if len(left) >= 2: var = ' '.join(left[1:]).strip() # Remove 'fake' line breaks unless this is an array. if type != 'array': value = re.sub(RE.crlf, '', value) # Handle version numbers. if type == 'version': # Verify we support it. try: if float(value) > rs_version: self.warn("Unsupported RiveScript version. We only support " + rs_version, filename, lineno) return except: self.warn("Error parsing RiveScript version number: not a number", filename, lineno) continue # All other types of defines require a variable and value name. if len(var) == 0: self.warn("Undefined variable name", filename, lineno) continue elif len(value) == 0: self.warn("Undefined variable value", filename, lineno) continue # Handle the rest of the types. if type == 'local': # Local file-scoped parser options. self.say("\tSet parser option " + var + " = " + value) local_options[var] = value elif type == 'global': # 'Global' variables self.say("\tSet global " + var + " = " + value) if value == '<undef>': try: del(ast["begin"]["global"][var]) except: self.warn("Failed to delete missing global variable", filename, lineno) else: ast["begin"]["global"][var] = value # Handle flipping debug and depth vars. if var == 'debug': if value.lower() == 'true': value = True else: value = False elif var == 'depth': try: value = int(value) except: self.warn("Failed to set 'depth' because the value isn't a number!", filename, lineno) elif var == 'strict': if value.lower() == 'true': value = True else: value = False elif type == 'var': # Bot variables self.say("\tSet bot variable " + var + " = " + value) if value == '<undef>': try: del(ast["begin"]["var"][var]) except: self.warn("Failed to delete missing bot variable", filename, lineno) else: ast["begin"]["var"][var] = value elif type == 'array': # Arrays self.say("\tArray " + var + " = " + value) if value == '<undef>': try: del(ast["begin"]["array"][var]) except: self.warn("Failed to delete missing array", filename, lineno) continue # Did this have multiple parts? parts = value.split("<crlf>") # Process each line of array data. fields = [] for val in parts: if '|' in val: fields.extend(val.split('|')) else: fields.extend(re.split(, val)) # Convert any remaining '\s' escape codes into spaces. for f in fields: f = f.replace(r'\s', ' ') ast["begin"]["array"][var] = fields elif type == 'sub': # Substitutions self.say("\tSubstitution " + var + " => " + value) if value == '<undef>': try: del(ast["begin"]["sub"][var]) except: self.warn("Failed to delete missing substitution", filename, lineno) else: ast["begin"]["sub"][var] = value elif type == 'person': # Person Substitutions self.say("\tPerson Substitution " + var + " => " + value) if value == '<undef>': try: del(ast["begin"]["person"][var]) except: self.warn("Failed to delete missing person substitution", filename, lineno) else: ast["begin"]["person"][var] = value else: self.warn("Unknown definition type '" + type + "'", filename, lineno) elif cmd == '>': # > LABEL temp = re.split(, line) type = temp[0] name = '' fields = [] if len(temp) >= 2: name = temp[1] if len(temp) >= 3: fields = temp[2:] # Handle the label types. if type == 'begin': # The BEGIN block. self.say("\tFound the BEGIN block.") type = 'topic' name = '__begin__' if type == 'topic': # Starting a new topic. self.say("\tSet topic to " + name) curtrig = None topic = name # Initialize the topic tree. self._init_topic(ast["topics"], topic) # Does this topic include or inherit another one? mode = '' # or 'inherits' or 'includes' if len(fields) >= 2: for field in fields: if field == 'includes': mode = 'includes' elif field == 'inherits': mode = 'inherits' elif mode != '': # This topic is either inherited or included. if mode == 'includes': ast["topics"][name]["includes"][field] = 1 else: ast["topics"][name]["inherits"][field] = 1 elif type == 'object': # If a field was provided, it should be the programming # language. lang = None if len(fields) > 0: lang = fields[0].lower() # Only try to parse a language we support. curtrig = None if lang is None: self.warn("Trying to parse unknown programming language", filename, lineno) lang = 'python' # Assume it's Python. # We have a handler, so start loading the code. objname = name objlang = lang objbuf = [] inobj = True else: self.warn("Unknown label type '" + type + "'", filename, lineno) elif cmd == '<': # < LABEL type = line if type == 'begin' or type == 'topic': self.say("\tEnd topic label.") topic = 'random' elif type == 'object': self.say("\tEnd object label.") inobj = False elif cmd == '+': # + TRIGGER self.say("\tTrigger pattern: " + line) # Initialize the topic tree. self._init_topic(ast["topics"], topic) curtrig = { "trigger": line, "reply": [], "condition": [], "redirect": None, "previous": isThat, } ast["topics"][topic]["triggers"].append(curtrig) ast["topics"][topic]["syntax"][line] = \ dict(previous=isThat, filename=filename, lineno=lineno) elif cmd == '-': # - REPLY if curtrig is None: self.warn("Response found before trigger", filename, lineno) continue self.say("\tResponse: " + line) curtrig["reply"].append(line.strip()) elif cmd == '%': # % PREVIOUS pass # This was handled above. elif cmd == '^': # ^ CONTINUE pass # This was handled above. elif cmd == '@': # @ REDIRECT if curtrig is None: self.warn("Redirect found before trigger", filename, lineno) continue self.say("\tRedirect: " + line) curtrig["redirect"] = line.strip() elif cmd == '*': # * CONDITION if curtrig is None: self.warn("Condition found before trigger", filename, lineno) continue self.say("\tAdding condition: " + line) curtrig["condition"].append(line.strip()) else: self.warn("Unrecognized command \"" + cmd + "\"", filename, lineno) continue return ast
[docs] def check_syntax(self, cmd, line): """Syntax check a line of RiveScript code. Args: str cmd: The command symbol for the line of code, such as one of ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``>``, etc. str line: The remainder of the line of code, such as the text of a trigger or reply. Return: str: A string syntax error message or ``None`` if no errors. """ # Run syntax checks based on the type of command. if cmd == '!': # ! Definition # - Must be formatted like this: # ! type name = value # OR # ! type = value match = re.match(RE.def_syntax, line) if not match: return "Invalid format for !Definition line: must be '! type name = value' OR '! type = value'" elif cmd == '>': # > Label # - The "begin" label must have only one argument ("begin") # - "topic" labels must be lowercased but can inherit other topics (a-z0-9_\s) # - "object" labels must follow the same rules as "topic", but don't need to be lowercase parts = re.split(" ", line, 2) if parts[0] == "begin" and len(parts) > 1: return "The 'begin' label takes no additional arguments, should be verbatim '> begin'" elif parts[0] == "topic": search =, line) if search: return "Topics should be lowercased and contain only numbers and letters" elif parts[0] == "object": search =, line) # Upper case is allowed if search: return "Objects can only contain numbers and letters" elif cmd == '+' or cmd == '%' or cmd == '@': # + Trigger, % Previous, @ Redirect # This one is strict. The triggers are to be run through the regexp engine, # therefore it should be acceptable for the regexp engine. # - Entirely lowercase # - No symbols except: ( | ) [ ] * _ # @ { } < > = # - All brackets should be matched # - No empty option with pipe such as ||, [|, |], (|, |) and whitespace between pairs = {'[': ']', '{': '}', '(': ')', '<': '>'} rpairs = {v: k for k, v in pairs.items()} bnames = {'[': 'angle', '{': 'curly', '(': 'parenthesis', '<': 'angle'} not_angle = set(pairs.keys()) not_angle.remove('<') q = deque() c = Counter() for char in line: if char in pairs: q.append(char) c[char] += 1 if char in not_angle and c['<']: return "Angle bracket must be closed before closing or opening other type of brackets" elif char in rpairs: p = rpairs[char] if len(q) == 0: return "Unmatched " + bnames[p] + " brackets" if q.pop() != p: return "Unbalanced brackets" c[rpairs[char]] -= 1 elif char == '|': if c['('] == 0 and c['['] == 0: # Pipe outside the alternative and option return "Pipe | must be within parenthesis brackets or square brackets" if len(q) != 0: return "Unmatched " + bnames(q.pop()) + " brackets" # Check for empty pipe search =, line) if search: return "Piped arrays can't include blank entries" # In UTF-8 mode, most symbols are allowed. if self.utf8: search =, line) if search: return "Triggers can't contain uppercase letters, backslashes or dots in UTF-8 mode." else: search =, line) if search: return "Triggers may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and these symbols: ( | ) [ ] * _ # @ { } < > =" elif cmd == '-' or cmd == '^' or cmd == '/': # - Trigger, ^ Continue, / Comment # These commands take verbatim arguments, so their syntax is loose. pass elif cmd == '*': # * Condition # Syntax for a conditional is as follows: # * value symbol value => response match = re.match(RE.cond_syntax, line) if not match: return "Invalid format for !Condition: should be like '* value symbol value => response'" return None
def _init_topic(self, topics, name): """Initialize a Topic Tree data structure. Sets up the topic under ``ast.topics`` with all its relevant keys and sub-keys, etc. Args: topics (dict): A reference to the ``ast.topics`` name (str): The name of the topic to initialize. Returns: None """ if not name in topics: topics[name] = { "includes": {}, "inherits": {}, "triggers": [], "syntax": {}, }